The car sinks. She hears the sound of bones breaking somewhere in her body. Strangely enough, the sound makes her realize she no longer feels pain. All she can feel is the enormous weight of the car as it drags her down into the unknown abyss. - P58

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그럼에도 불구하고, 채널A 사건은 과거부터 있어온 검찰과 언론, 자본 유착의 연장선상에서 비선출권력이 수사권, 기소권을 가지고 입법권력 형성에 부당하게 개입하려 하였다는 국민적 의혹이 확산되고 있는 상황이다. 따라서 채널A 사건의 본질과 관계자의 범위에 관하여, 가능하면 현재 계속 중인 검찰의 수사를 통해 그 의혹이 속 시원히 해소되거나 그 실체가 철저히 밝혀져 주권자인 전체 국민 앞에 있는 그대로 수사결과가 보고되기를 바랄 뿐이다.
- <검찰의 심장부에서>, 한동수 - 밀리의 서재 - P101

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She opens her eyes. Darkness. Pitch black. Like someone has dropped a thick veil of black over her eyes. Not even a pinpoint of light to be seen. Has she gone blind? - P47

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아침에 일어나면 나는 분노와 슬픔과 원한이 넘치는 세상에서 타인에게 고통과 불행과 죽음을 기원하는 사람들의 이야기를 들어야 할 것이다. 돈과 권력이 정의이고 폭력이 합리이자 상식인 사회에서 상처 입고 짓밟힌 사람들이 막다른 골목에 몰렸을 때 찾아오는 마지막 해결책이 나이기 때문이다. 그리고 세상은 그 어느 때보다 끔찍하고 비참한 곳이 되어가고 있으며, 그 덕에 사업은 그 어느 때보다 호황이다.

-알라딘 eBook <저주토끼> (정보라 지음) 중에서 - P27

지금과 같은 삶을 계속 산다면 나도 언젠가 할아버지처럼 죽어도 죽지 못한 채 달 없는 밤 어느 거실의 어둠 속에서 나를 이승에 붙들어두는 닻과 같은 물건 옆에 영원히 앉아 있게 될 것이다.
그러나 내가 저 창가의 안락의자에 앉게 될 때쯤, 내 이야기를 들어줄 자식도, 손주도 처음부터 존재하지 않을 것이다.
그렇게 생각하며 나는 방문을 닫고 완전한 어둠 속에 홀로 선다.
이 뒤틀린 세상에서, 그것만이 내게 유일한 위안이다.

-알라딘 eBook <저주토끼> (정보라 지음) 중에서 - P27

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Every object has a story. This object is no exception, especially as it’s a cursed fetish. - P34

It is forbidden to make a cursed fetish for personal use. Also according to family tradition, it is forbidden to curse any handmade item. These unwritten rules have been passed down for generations in our family’s line of work: the creation of cursed fetishes. - P34

Every profession referred to by the polite, contemporary term "occultist"—shamans, fortune-tellers, and morticians— was treated like dirt back then. Such discrimination was far from fair, but that’s the way it was. - P34

The traditional method—of pouring water into a mixture of hard-steamed and malted rice and letting it ferment—was replaced by ethanol, an industrial alcohol, which flooded the market. To make this revolting solution palatable, beverage companies mixed the ethanol with water and artificial flavoring. - P36

He researched production methods that could restore the old taste by imitating the traditional by-hand methods—the proportion of ingredients, alcohol level, fermentation temperature, and distillation methods—as much as possible within compliance of national policy. - P36

Grandfather’s friend cared only about developing delicious, healthy spirits; he had no idea that in the new, post-war age, connections with government higher-ups, networking, entertaining, and the occasional bribe and backdoor dealing were more important than product quality or technology. - P36

And there was no internet in those days, nowhere for him to turn to once he was shunned by the newspapers and television. He had no legal recourse because you couldn’t record phone conversations or screenshot texts back then—it was impossible to determine how rumors were spread. - P36

But such things are indeed allowed, and such people who allow it are everywhere. Which is exactly why my grandfather, my father, and I could make a living out of cursed fetishes. - P37

Grandfather summoned all his connections, high and low, to get in touch with someone who knew someone who knew yet another someone who worked for a subcontractor for the company that killed his friend. - P38

The target of the curse has to touch the cursed fetish with their own hands. That’s the most important aspect of any cursed fetish and the trickiest part in getting it to work. - P37

The bunny nibbled away. - P44

The bunny flicks the tip of its ears. - P47

There’s a Japanese saying that goes, "Cursing others leads to two graves." Anyone who curses another person is sure to end up in a grave themselves. - P45

Perhaps that’s Grandfather’s curse. Or, his blessing. - P45

If I keep doing the work that I’m doing now, I’ll end up like Grandfather. Dead but not dead, sitting in the dark of some living room on a moonless night in front of an object that keeps me anchored to the world of the living. But by the time I sit at that armchair by the window, there will be no child or grandchild to listen to my story. And in this twisted, wretched life of mine, that single fact remains my sole consolation. - P46

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