우리에게 좋은 집이었죠. 난 여기서 44년을 살았어요.
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아주 오래전이죠.

-알라딘 eBook <밤에 우리 영혼은> (켄트 하루프 지음, 김재성 옮김) 중에서 - P14

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He walked downstairs and went home past the old trees and the houses all dark and strange at this hour. The sky was still dark and nothing was moving. No cars in the streets. In his own house, he lay in bed watching the east window for the first sign of daylight. - P168

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그걸 보니 정혜신이 쓴 『당신이 옳다』라는 책의 한 구절이 떠올랐다. "사람은 상대가 하는 말의 내용 자체를 메시지의 전부라고 인식하지 않는다. 순간적으로 그 말이 내포한 정서와 전제를 더 근원적인 메시지로 파악하고 받아들인다."•
• 『당신이 옳다』, 정혜신 지음, 해냄, 50페이지에서 인용

- <생각보다 잘 살고 있어>, 박산호 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/d4c11d758ad0446c - P202

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Yes. But if it didn’t work I’d be no worse off. Except for the humiliation of being turned down. - P146

No. Hell. I just want to live simply and pay attention to what’s happening each day. And come sleep with you at night. - P146

But I do feel better already. I thank you for that. I’m grateful for all of this. I feel very fortunate again now. - P151

Well, old woman Moore. You’ve won me completely. You’re just right. You’re how you’re supposed to look. You’re not supposed to be some thirteen-year-old girl without any breasts and hips. - P152

Look how I’ve turned out, he said. I’ve got this gut on me. My arms and legs are thin old man’s arms and legs. - P152

No. But I haven’t tried this for years either. The limp time has come, as the poet says. I’m just an old son of a bitch now. - P153

After dark one night they walked over to the grade school playground and Louis pushed Addie on the big chain swing and she rode up and back in the cool fresh night air of late summer with the hem of her skirt fluttering over her knees. Afterward they went back to bed in her upstairs front room and lay beside each other naked in the summer air coming in from the open windows. - P155

Because men are the ones who design these things, that’s why. - P156

She scooted over close to him. - P156

Everything in its time and place, he said. - P156

Like Dad did with me, you mean. I know your father wasn’t always kind. Kind. My God, he had nothing to do with me after Connie died. - P164

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I’m keeping you from your supper. He stood up and reached out to shake the boy’s hand again. Now take it easy on me. The boy tentatively took his hand and barely touched him. Okay, I’ll be seeing you. - P139

It was all too sudden. I was in some kind of trance. I think I was just in shock. - P142

But even now I can see it all clearly and feel that kind of otherworldliness, the sense of moving in a dream and making decisions that you didn’t know you had to make, or if you were sure of what you were saying. - P142

You can’t fix things, can you, Louis said. We always want to. But we can’t. - P143

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