I’ve written hundreds of memoirs. It’s necessary for big names like me. I believe it is called the imperative. - P16

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There’s a feather on my pillow.
Pillows are made of feathers, go to sleep.
It’s a big, black feather.
Come and sleep in my bed.
There’s a feather on your pillow too.
Let’s leave the feathers where they are and sleep on the floor. - P3

Four or five days after she died, I sat alone in the living room wondering what to do. Shuffling around, waiting for shock to give way, waiting for any kind of structured feeling to emerge from the organisational fakery of my days. I felt hung-empty. The children were asleep. I drank. I smoked roll-ups out of the window. I felt that perhaps the main result of her being gone would be that I would permanently become this organiser, this list-making trader in clichés of gratitude, machine-like architect of routines for small children with no Mum. Grief felt fourth-dimensional, abstract, faintly familiar. I was cold. - P3

Very romantic, how we first met. Badly behaved. Trip trap. - P8

In other versions I am a doctor or a ghost. Perfect devices: doctors, ghosts and crows. We can do things other characters can’t, like eat sorrow, un-birth secrets and have theatrical battles with language and God. I was friend, excuse, deus ex machina, joke, symptom, figment, spectre, crutch, toy, phantom, gag, analyst and babysitter. - P14

What good is a crow to a pack of grieving humans? A huddle. - P14

But I care, deeply. I find humans dull except in grief. There are very few in health, disaster, famine, atrocity, splendour or normality that interest me (interest ME!) but the motherless children do. Motherless children are pure crow. For a sentimental bird it is ripe, rich and delicious to raid such a nest. - P15

I’ve drawn her unpicked, ribs splayed stretched like a xylophone with the dead birds playing tunes on her bones. - P16

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이 책은 중국 상고시대 문명의 기원에 관한 것으로 신석기시대 말기(4000여 년 전)에서 시작해 상주商周 교체기 즉, 은주혁명殷周革命까지 1000여 년의 시간에 걸쳐 있다. - <상나라 정벌>, 리숴 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/f61be63dd9fa4206 - P24

신석기시대에 들어서면서 인류는 비로소 농업과 정착 생활을 하게 되어 다시는 야생동물처럼 사방을 떠돌며 먹이를 구하지 않게 되었다. 이것은 지금으로부터 약 1만 년 전에 시작된 변화였다. - <상나라 정벌>, 리숴 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/f61be63dd9fa4206 - P69

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만약 공장의 기계가 갖는 잠재력이

현재의 공장 시스템이 인간의 가치를 평가하는 방식과 결합된다면,

우리는 누그러지지 않는 잔혹함으로 전개되는 종류의 산업혁명에 처하게 될 것이다.

이 시기를 해를 입지 않고 지나가고자 한다면, 유행하는 이데올로기를 볼 게 아니라

사실관계를 봐야 한다.

노버트 위너Norbert Wiener, 1949년 - <권력과 진보>, 대런 아세모글루·사이먼 존슨 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/4b9c6095d8e2493d - P24

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The darkening garden not to be wished upon now, for something of that darkness has come into the house. - P14

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