The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me (Paperback) Roald Dahl 대표작시리즈 11
퀸틴 블레이크 그림, 로알드 달 글 / Puffin / 2009년 2월
평점 :

기발한 창문 청소 삼총사! 까다로운 공작님도 만족시키고 나의 소원도 이루어지고. 우리집 창문도 좀 닦아줬으면…

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spat out the stone 씨를 뱉다

The truth was at last beginning to dawn on the Duke. He put a cherry into his mouth and chewed it slowly. Then he spat out the stone. ‘I like the way you picked these cherries for me,‘ he said. ‘Could you also pick my apples in the autumn?‘
‘We could! We could! Of course we could!‘ we shouted. - P30

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The Magic Finger (Paperback) Roald Dahl 대표작시리즈 11
퀸틴 블레이크 그림, 로알드 달 글 / Puffin / 2011년 6월
평점 :

불공정한 일에 대해서만 발휘되는 Magic Finger. 역지사지를 처절하게 체험하게 하는 Magic. 그들의 반성은 진정한 깨달음일까 엄청난 두려움일까.

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단발머리 2024-06-14 11:04   좋아요 1 | 댓글달기 | URL
저 로알드달 많이 읽었는데요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 요건 안 읽었습니다. 혹 집에 있는 거 아니겠지요?

햇살과함께 2024-06-14 13:04   좋아요 1 | URL
이거 너무 얇고 쉬워서 단발머리님은 안 읽으셔도.
집에 있는 로알드달 얇은 책부터 읽고 있어서 ㅋㅋㅋ
마틸다를 젤 마지막에 읽지 않을까 싶네요.

cross 짜증난, 약간 화가 난
barley 보리

Then, one Saturday morning, I saw Philip and William coming out of the woods with their father, and they were carrying a lovely young deer.
This made me so cross that I started shouting at them. - P3

‘No! No! No!‘ called out Mr and Mrs Gregg, both together. ‘Don‘t shoot! Please don‘t shoot!‘
‘Why not?‘ said one of the ducks. It was the one who wasn‘t holding a gun. ‘You are always shooting at us.‘
‘Oh, but that‘s not the same!‘ said Mr Gregg.
‘We are allowed to shoot ducks!‘
‘Who allows you?" asked the duck.
‘We allow each other,‘ said Mr Gregg.
‘Very nice,‘ said the duck. ‘And now we are going to allow each other to shoot you.‘
(I would have loved to have seen Mr Gregg‘s face just then.)
‘Oh, please!‘ cried Mrs Gregg. ‘My two little children are up here with us! You wouldn‘t shoot my children!‘ - P40

And in the middle of the yard stood Philip and William, with a sack of their father‘s best barley beside them. They were surrounded by ducks, doves, pigeons, sparrows, robins, larks, and many other kinds that I did not know, and the birds were eating the barley that the boys were scattering by the handful. - P52

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Esio Trot (Paperback, 미국판) Roald Dahl 대표작시리즈 11
로알드 달 지음, 퀸틴 블레이크 그림 / Puffin / 2009년 2월
평점 :

이쯤되면 소심한 할아버지의 결혼 사기극?! 남의 거북을 생이별 시키고.. 요즘이라면 나올 수 없는 이야기 아닐지.. 로알드 달도 찝찝했는지 P.S.로 알피가 잘 살고 있다고 알려주고 말이다. 뻔뻔한 동화를 너무 다큐로 받는 것인가??

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