Miti and the Japanese Miracle: The Growth of Industrial Policy, 1925-1975 (Paperback)
Chalmers A. Johnson / Stanford Univ Pr / 1982년 6월
평점 :

전후 일본이 어떻게 세계2위의 경제대국이 될 수 있었는지를 설명할 때 반드시 언급되는 책이다. 저자는 원래 중국혁명사의 대가였다. 찰머스 잔슨이 중국혁명을 설명하는 논리는 중국공산당의 이념은 공산주의가 아니라 민족주의라는 것이다. 일본의 전전과 전후를 보는 관점 역시 민족주의, 특히 부국강병이란 말로 이해한다고 주장한다. 즉 엘리트들의 켓치프레이즈 부국강병은 정치엘리트들의 유일한 관심사였고 전후 강병이 거세되면서 정치엘리트들은 자신의 사명을 부국에만 제한하게 되엇다. 통산성 지금은 경제성이 된 MITI의 관료들을 사로잡았던 것도 바로 부국이었다. 그러한 관료들의 사명의식이 잿더미가 된 일본에서 경제를 다시 일으키는 원동력이 되엇다고 말한다. 관주도의 경제가 어떻게 나오게 되었는지 통산성 내부의 역사를 쫓아가며 설명한다. 

다음은 내가 아마존에 썼던 리뷰이다. 

This book is the classic to be read in the field of the developmental state which refer to East Asian economic developmental strategy not only for Japan. thou Chalmers Johnson is not the one who coined the word, developmental state, he has been most influential in that field by this book. btw dry and technical? I can't see why this book recieves that kind of respose. the overall style of description is something of an well written novel. the author gave the life to the past with details. and that it's interesting enough to be sombering overnight. Below I try to depict the position of this book on the discouse of economics
Johnson revived almost forgotten ghost from the sea of oblivion: mercantilism.
Mercantilism seemed completely beaten away long before modern economics took shape. Mercantilism was a pragmatic adaptation, not a theory of how economies are supposed to operate. It anticipates or at times contradicts market signals, with the goal of channeling resources to (or away from) selected sectors, in the interests of the prosperity of the one or the power of other. But economists argued that such a policy is no more than the terror against market efficiency. The wisdom of the state can¡¯t be claimed to be more efficient than market. Moreover, it often mass-produces rent-seeking distortions on resource allocation. It makes more harms than benefits. The state should not guide the resource allocation. The role of the state lies in other area: providing the public good and responding to market failures.
Johnson labeled this kind of role as the ¡®regulatory state¡¯. The United States and Britain exemplify the ¡®regulatory state.¡¯ Such state¡¯s task is the setting of rules that govern entry, exit, competition, investment, pricing, and other basic functions of the market. That kind of task is called as economic regulation. Economic regulation provides the basic framework of rules needed to keep market operate and responses to the problems of market failure.
But developmental state, as Johnson found in Japan¡¯s success story, holds that economic regulation has the goals beyond market maintenance. Developmental state takes the long term national welfare as the primary mission of state. It actively intervenes in economic activities to improve the international competitiveness. Japan¡¯s economic bureaucrats and business leaders rejected the philosophy of laissez-faire, free trade of open markets. To them, these concepts were little more than protection for the economically powerful exporters. The strategy of developmental state is the denial of extant hierarchy of comparative advantage. To achieve high growth rate, there should be high return sectors. But such sectors, in general, have no relation with developing countries. Then, should developing countries rest with agriculture or labor-intensive industries? Not necessarily. Such sectors tend to be low value-added, in other words, with low growth prospect. If you don¡¯t have it, then make it! Japanese bureaucrats sought to use activist policies to generate ¡®competitive advantages¡¯. In this regard, developmental state is a logical offspring of economic nationalism and neo-mercantilism. Driven by such a motive, developmental state use economic regulation to foster the technological development, capacity growth, and competitiveness of targeted industries considered essential to national economy in the future.
Both models don¡¯t deny the role of the state. But they differ from each other in the perception of resource allocation. The point of neoclassical economics is the efficiency, whereas the one of neo-mercantilism is the effectiveness. There could be no a priori or empirical criterion to judge which model is valid to the real world, for each has its own supporting evidence. The arbiter is the whim of trend. Chalmers Johnson captured the public not for its theoretical superiority but for its timing. The 1980s is the time when orthodox recipes of economics lost its effectiveness. The US lost its competitiveness not only in the world market but also in its domestic market. The word, competitiveness or competitive advantage has seized the day. Competitiveness or competitive advantage is not the word of efficiency but the word of effectiveness. Even if the economy were efficient, it could be not effective on the market. Then what efficiency is for at all? Formidable competitor, Japan, became the teacher. ¡®Japan is No.1.¡¯The US should learn from the superior. It was the reason why Chalmers Johnson took the attention. He was not the only one who drew such a picture of Japan. But the manner he challenged neoclassical economics and its timing were Johnson¡¯s advantage. But the time swung against developmental state theory. Japan has been lost in doldrums. Now the time reveals cracks in and limitations of the developmental state theory. Criticisms focus on a reductionism of the state, incomplete and even misleading elucidation of state-society links and growing doubts about the positive correlation between the state and economic performance. Still the developmental state theory has the validity in explaining certain period (from 1945 to 1973) of Japanese economy. But it lost once the dominant position it enjoyed. 


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축소 지향의 일본인
이어령 지음 / 문학사상 / 2008년 10월
평점 :

고등학교 다닐 때 처음 읽은 책이다. 당시에도 쉽게 읽었고 인상이 깊었던 책이다. 왜 일본에서 분재가 나왔고 접는 우산이 발명되었는지 미국이 만든 트랜지스터로 성공한 것은 일본이 되었어야 했으며 남경학살과 같은 만행은 왜 일어났는지 일본인의 사고방식에서 찾는다. 일본교과서에서 실릴 정도였다. 지금도 상당한 설득력이 있다. 저자에 따르면 원래 일어로 쓰인 책에서 다시 한국어로 번역되는 과정에서 왜곡이 일어났다고 한다. 일어로 읽지 않아서 모르지만 한국어로 읽은 것만으로도 일본입문으로 좋은 역할을 했었다.

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The 48 Laws of Power (Paperback)
로버트 그린 지음 / Penguin Books / 2000년 9월
평점 :

마키아벨리와 한비자를 섞은 것같은 책이다. 보스보다 잘나게 보이지 마라. 명분이 아니라 이익으로 설득하라. 친구를 믿지 마라와 같은 48개의 처세술을 나열하면서 역사적 사례를 들며 설명한다. 사례는 동서양과 고금을 넘나든다. 저자의 독서량이 부럽다. 삼국지를 읽는 이유가 바로 저자가 제시하는 교훈을 얻기 위해서가 아닌가? 아주 유용하다. 물론 이책의 교훈을 실천하기는 매우 어렵다는 것이다. 그리고 상황에 맞게 적용하기는 더 어렵다. 그러나 조심할 것은 이책을 당신이 읽었으면 다른 사람도 읽었다고 생각해야 한다는 것이다. 이 책에서 제시하는 것은 어두운 면이다. 그 의도가 읽힌다면 더 나쁜 결과를 불러온다.

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How to Talk to Anyone: 92 Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships (Paperback, 2)
레일 라운즈 지음 / Contemporary Books / 2003년 10월
평점 :

화법관련 서적에서 상당히 유명한 서적이다. 실제 기업을 돌아다니며 강의를 하고 경영자들에게 맨투맨 교습을 하면서 쌓은 경험에 개인적으로 인간관계를 세심하게 관찰하면서 얻은 통찰에서 나온 것이다. 설명도 직접 경험한 사례를 중심으로 서술되기 때문에 실천하는 것은 별개의 문제이지만 생생하고 쉽게 공감할 수 있다. 이책이 설정하는 기본적인 목표는 어떻게 다른 사람에게 거물로 보이면서 대접을 받는가 하는 테크닉에 관한 것이다. 다른 류의 화법서적과는 접근법이 조금 다르다. 실제 비즈니스를 뛰는 사람들에게 필요한 점이기도 하다. 그러나 문제는 문화차이이다. 한국인에게는 적용하기 힘든 면이 있다.

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Encyclopedia of Japanese Business and Management (Hardcover)
Allan Bird / Routledge / 2001년 12월
평점 :

제목대로이다. 설명이 상당히 간략하면서 요령있게 되어 있다. 그러나 일본에서 나온 경영관련 사전들보다는 당연히 항목도 설명도 작을 수 밖에 없다. 경영실무자보다는 학자를 위한 사전이다. 

다음은 내가 아마존에 썼던 리뷰이다 

For the dictionary on Japanese economy, ¡®MIT Encyclopedia of the Japanese Economy¡¯ has been widely used. Such a dictionary is needed for you can¡¯t read all the material on the Japanese economy. Literatures on Japanese economy are still flooding on the market. Moreover, there are so many sub-disciplines that you can never read through them all, and even making a reading list is prohibitively time-consuming.
MIT Encyclopedia was updated in 1999 to the 2nd edition. It deals with mainly big topics such as unemployment with some length. But this book, published in 2002, tackles not only general economic subjects, but business affairs like Sony, Japanese business in US, and Chalmers Johnson, as title implies. And that I think the quality of articles is not behind MIT¡¯s. This book¡¯s contributors are well-known figures in Japanese studies. And like MIT¡¯s at the end of each article is the reading list on that subject.

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