정말 얼떨결에 받아보게 된 원서 시리즈. 인터파크에서 내게 아무 말도 하지 않고 구입한 책이라, 읽으라며 불쑥~~  갑작스레 들이닥친 원서의 존재에 깜짝 놀랬다.(어디든 달려가는 50% 행사?=_=::: 알라딘에서는 아예 책명 조차 없는 이 시리즈가 인팤에서는 할인행사로 절찬 진행 중 이라고 하시네요) 하지만, 비록 표지는 조금 유치해 보여도, 작은 해리포터 이야기라 할 수 있을 만큼 꽤 흥미진진했다.  

[제 1권 - Oliver Moon and the Dragon Disaster ]

Then, let's talk about this story. I said that this is like a little Harry Potter series, and it's true. There is a wizards and wiches' village. Oliver Moon is a student at magic school, and his dream is to be a great wizard. However, the world do not let him to do. There are too many problems for him. Bad guys always not let him away and bully him. But I like hm, because he is kind and a boy who has a good dream. 

All book has a small episode. And this story will tell you about the pet dragon, Dottie. She is a small dragon, and Oliver's little sister, Which baby took him to his room. This dragon is like a a mischievous child. She never listen to others. Oliver is going to go to the magic parade, and if he don't do something, he has to collect litter. So he had an idea to use this naughty dragon to burn the litter. Guess what? The dragon met her mother and master at there! 

Oliver couldn't have a pet, but he would miss the dragon. Well, what will be the next advantrue of Oliver Moon?

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