Frindle (Paperback, 미국판) 앤드류 클레멘츠 시리즈 2
앤드루 클레먼츠 지음, 브라이언 셀즈닉 그림 / Atheneum Books for Young Readers / 1998년 2월
평점 :

mom-i작가를 살펴보더니 시리즈 몽땅 구입해 달라네요~ 번역본으로 초등학교 4학년 때 꼬마 사업가 그레그를 읽고 무지 좋아했거든요. 이 원서도 자기가 좋아하는 맥락의 이야기여서인지 후딱 읽어내더군요.  최근 구입해달란 원서가 많아져서 가계부가 덜커덩거리지만, 즐거운 비명이라며 자기암시중입니다;;;;;;   

꼬마 사업가 그레그의 저자, 앤드류 클레먼츠의 또 다른 이야기. 조금 오래된 편이긴 하지만, 그래도 그의 이야기에 등장하는 아이들은 모두 하나같이 똑똑하고 참신하다. 특히 이번에 등장한 니콜라스 알랜이란 소년은, 담임 선생님에 대한 사소한 반항심 덕분에 크나큰 부자가 되었다. 

Mrs.Granger became the teacher of fifth grade. She really love words, so made children to do a lot of homework about words. Nick was really free before she came out, and he have to spend his free time to do his homework. So he had a good idea. His teacher told him that words appeared from people had a appointment to call it, and than it became the word. So Nick started to call pen, frindle. 

He teached this word to his children and grown-up in supermarket. Now almost of the village knew the word frindle and like it. Mrs.Granger, who wasn't accept this made children write a sentence for 100 times. However, they still having war with Mrs.Granger, and Nicholas found out that she liked this war. 

Yes, she was a really good teacher. She just wanted to give children a standard, and the word frindle became the standard instead the word, pen. And many company wanted to use the word, frindle to make their new thing. Yes, Nicholas Allen really became rich. After 10 years, he found a letter from Mrs.Granger, and a dictionary that has the word, frindle. 

'frindle': a device used to write or make marks with ink[arbitrary coinage, originated by Nicholas Allen, American, 1987-[see pen]]

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