All Because of a Cup of Coffee (Geronimo Stilton #10) (Paperback) Geronimo Stilton 10
제로니모 스틸턴 지음 / Scholastic / 2004년 8월
평점 :

나비 효과라는 영화를 본 적이 있다. 주인공은 어려서 정신적 질환을 앓아 의사가 매일 일기를 쓰도록 하였는데, 주인공이 그 일기를 다시 볼때면 어릴때로 되돌아가 그의 행동을 바꿔 그의 운명까지 바꿀 수 있었다. 자, 작은 행동 하나의 변화로 운명은 180도 변화가 된다. 제로니모도 오늘 커피 한잔으로 엄청난 모험을 겪게 되었다. 

Let's think about it. You were drinking a coffee with soft bread, and there is a really beautiful woman beside you. Wow! She poured the coffee on your shirt, and you fell in love with her. You decided to find a great present for her, and go to advanture with your family. Than, you found a great treasure by the advanture. You found a great thing just because of the coffee! 

It's good for him that he always do well. He didn't seem to travel for it, but he found the lost butterfly! I think advanture is a great way to do something, like Searching A Lost World. I hope it will happen to me, too.

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