Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator (Paperback) - 『찰리와 거대한 유리 엘리베이터』 원서 Roald Dahl 대표작시리즈 6
로알드 달 지음, 퀸틴 블레이크 그림 / Puffin / 2007년 8월
평점 :

이미 한글판으로 접해본 책이지만, 기억이 너무 오래되었던지라 이 책을 다시 한번 읽어보았다. 퀸틴 블레이크의 간단하고도 귀여운 그림체는 여전했다. 이제 어처구니없이 초콜릿 공장의 상속자가 되어버린 찰리는 또다시 엄청난 모험을 겪게 된다. 거대한 유리 엘리베이터라는 공간 속에 갖힌 찰리는 웡카와 함께 가족들을 모두 싣고서 우주 끝까지 날아간다. 자, 찰리는 또 다시 모험을 겪는다. 이번에는 무엇이 그를 기다리고 있을까?

At the Space Hotel, "U.S.A", Charlie saw a capsule, a lot of people, and the monsters. Monsters? What monsters? Well, they are very terrible. Their name is Knid, and they like egg and sometimes snake. They attack the planets and ruin. But why they can't come to the Earth? Good fortune, if they come to the earth, they burn. That means our Earth have air. So if they come to the Earth, they burn. Maybe in other planet, they don't burn.

Today I saw a fantastic invention. That is Wonka-Vite, and Vita-Wonk. They both change the age. Wonka-Vite can minus 20 years old. And Vita Wonk make you very old. But don't worry, if you too old, you can eat Wonka-Vite, and if you too young, you can eat Vita-Wonk, too. But I think it's too dangerous. Maybe people live for eternity lifetime. So there will be too many people, people must to go to other planet, and knids will attack them. It is the problem. Do you know? Many people wanted eternal life, but they couldn't accomplish that.

We both have dream. But don't use the dream for bad way. Bad way is like War, kill. It's true they are very bad. Wonka will be genious, but people can use this in bad way of course sure. However, people will can not make them. So Earth is peaceful! Only peace can make happy. Like if someone fight, it just make fault.

Well, Great Glass Elevator was fantastic. My dream is have a Great Glass Elevator. And I am very eager. In Roald Dahl's head, what is in his head? His thinking is too big. It's not abusive. I just respect at Roald Dahl!

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