Reading Expert 2 - A 5-level Reading Course for EFL Readers
Dean Schimpf 외 지음 / 능률교육(참고서) / 2010년 11월
평점 :

Reading Expert 2

능률영어교육연구소 지음



중학교에 입학하면서 영어 수업 교재로 사용하게 된 것이 능률교육에서 나온 이 책 Reding Expert와 Grammar Expert 이다. 그 중에서 Reading Expert는 약 3개월 반 만에 1권을 끝내고 이제 2권으로 수업을 진행하고 있다. 이 학원에서는 Reading Expert 3까지 진행을 할 것도 같고, 지금 이 교재를 사용하는 우리 아이가 중학교 1학년이다 보니, 꾸준히 그리고 열심히 만 한다면, 이 교재 Reading Expert 4와 Reading Expert 5도 진행할 수 있지 않을까? 그렇게 수준을 높일 수 있다면 좋겠다.

중학생이 되어서 이제 세 차레의 영어 시험을 치룬 상태인데, 그래도 세 번 다 100점을 맞아서 영어에 대한 기대도 하고 있고, 학교 영어 선생님도 눈여겨 보시는 듯 하고, 이 아이를 기숙사에 넣고 싶은 마음에 국제고에 진학시키고 싶은 마음도 있다. 물론 그저 희망사항일 뿐이지만...

이 책의 내용을 살펴보면,
To the students
To the teadher
Unit 01 Culture

How did the tradition of drinking tea start in the UK according to paragraph 2?

It started as a result of UK's trade with china.
Unit 02 Language

What is the word for "running shoes" in Britain?

Unit 03 Environment

Why was the Norfolk Building sick?

Because it's lights were too bright and flashed slowly.
Unit 04 Sociey

What are harmful effects experienced by teenage smokes according to paragraph 1?

Those are develop heart disease, stop growing prematurely, and die from cancer.
Unit 05 Geography

According to paragraph 3, why were people from some countries pleased with the Peters projection?

Because they had been shrunk by the mercator projection.
Unit 06 Literature

Why does Elizabeth feel insulted in paragraph 3?

Because Mr. Darcy says his family is from a higher class than hers.
Unit 07 Jobs

Why did Dale Chihuly decide to become a glass artist?

Because he was amuzed by the glass blowing skill.
Why does John use a gold spoon when he samples ice cream according to paragraph 3?

Because it doesn't affect the ice cream's taste.

Unit 08 Sports

Why is the alpine style climbing better for the environment according to paragraph 5?

Because climbing teams leaver behind much garbage in traditional-style it leaves behind no trace or grabage.
Unit 09 Health

What are the functions of phytoncides according to paragraph 3?

Phytoncides protect trees from insects, bacteria, and viruses.
Unit 10 History

What happened to the cotton picked and shipped to England according to paragraph 2?

It was spun into clothanrd shipped back to India to be cold there.
Unit 11 Space

Why do astronauts have to exercise in space?

Because their muscle and bone weaken in space.
Unit 12 Technology

What is the role of dummies' sensors according to the passage?

Their role is measuring the impact of a crash.
Unit 13 Origins

What was the problem of Spencer Silber's newlyh invented glue?

If was only strong enough to hold paper together.
Unit 14 Psychology

Why did Electra ask her brother to kill their mother?

Because she felt that their mother was responsible for their father's death.
Unit 15 Biology

What is the main role of tentacles according to paragraph 2?

They shoot out poison to kill prey.
Word Review Tests
Answer Key 의 순서로 진행이 된다.

2014.10.19.(일)  두뽀사리~

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