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The Narrows (Mass Market Paperback)
Michael Connelly / Grand Central Pub / 2014년 11월
평점 :

I felt a loss. I felt like something good had been taken from me before I realy knew how good it could be.

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She missed the weight of the other body on the other side.

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˝행복은 멀리 있는 것이 아니었다. 타인의 삶을 바라보며 그곳에 행복이 있다고 생각했다면 마음이 괴로웠을 것이다. 행복은 일상과 맞닿아 있었다. 지금 일상에서 알아차리지 못했던 행복을 찾는다면 바로 행복해질 수 있다.˝

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Memories warm you up ftom the inside. But they also tear you apart.

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People are born in order to live, right? But the longer I‘ve lived, the more I ‘ve lost what‘s inside me- and ended up empty.

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